Thursday, 19 June 2014

Biomechanical Knowledge for the Basketball Lay Up

What Biomechanical knowledge is required to enhance/improve basketball players lay ups?

Image 1The basketball layup shot for goal is most commonly used if a player is dribbling towards the basket and doesn’t want to pass the ball and can get around the defenders. Its accuracy is also a cause for why it is so popular. For a player to improve their layup, improve accuracy, make the shot more efficient and speed up the run into the shot it is important to look at a few biomechanical principals. These principals tell us how to move our body efficiently and improve our skills.
Biomechanics is concerned with two areas of study. The biological area; the biological aspects for movement and motion in the human body; and the mechanics; this utilizes Newtons laws and principals and applies them to human movement and motion (Wuest & Fisette, 2012). Biomechanists study how various forces affect human motion and how movements can be improved in terms of efficiency and effectiveness (Wuest & Fisette, 2012).
In the layup shot the player runs towards the basket while dribbling the ball in their right hand, they then place their right foot followed by their left and take off, releasing the ball towards the basket by completely extending their shooting arm (Sandeep & Bhardwaj, 2011). The layup is considered one of the more basic shots in basketball. The main obstacle when performing a layup is getting near the baskets rim and avoiding the taller defenders blocks (Sandeep & Bhardwaj, 2011). The layup is made with one hand and from a position under or beside the basket (Sandeep & Bhardwaj, 2011).

Biomechanics relating to the preparation phase of the layup (the run up).

To change an objects momentum we have to apply a force, the larger the force, the greater the change in momentum. When a player hits the ground with their feet, they need to apply the largest force possible for the longest time possible. The greater the impulse, the greater the change in momentum; since our mass will change, our velocity should (Blazevich, 2010).

When a player’s foot lands at a greater angle in front of the body the braking impulse is large. The total positive impulse is therefore smaller so acceleration is smaller. When a players foot lands at a smaller angle and further under the body, the braking impulse is smaller (Blazevich, 2010). The total positive impulse, however, is likely to be larger. So while players want to minimise the braking force, a small force plays a large role in the ability to run at high speeds (Blazevich, 2010). In sprinting, the braking impulse is usually greater when the foot lands further in front of the body; there is a trade-off where a small braking force is useful but a large force, generated when the foot lands well in front of the body’s centre of mass, is detrimental (Blazevich, 2010). However, in basketball braking and sideways impulses are important for the players who need to slow down and change direction quickly. In the layup the dribble towards the basket needs to have some speed however, the two steps before the jump should be controlled and slower. From this information we can also say that when running and dribbling player’s feet should not land on their heels, more like the middle.

Newtons First Law
Newton’s first law states that an object will remain at rest or continue to move with constant velocity as long as the net force equals zero (inertia) (Blazevich, 2010). All objects that have a mass have inertia, the larger the mass of an object the more difficult it is to change the objects state of motion (Blazevich, 2010). So if players want to jump higher, they need to work out how to change their state from rest or from a constant horizontal running velocity to vertical motion. In basketballs case this is when the player takes those two steps and uses their legs to throw their bodies into the air to reach the basket.

Newton’s second law
Newton’s second law states that the acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object (Blazevich, 2010).  To change the state of motion of an object, we need to apply a force. The formula f=ma informs us that the lighter the object, the faster it will accelerate, or that less force will be needed to cause a given acceleration (Blazevich, 2010). The lighter a person is, the more they can accelerate their body under a given force.
This also applies when players are moving the ball up into the basket. They need to understand how much force to place on the ball to get it up and through the hoop. Players need to understand the balance between too much force (causing the ball to go out of control) and too little force (the ball doesn’t get enough height). This knowledge of how much force to apply to the ball comes with practice.

What biomechanical aspects relate to the power production phase of the layup (the jump)?

Centre of Mass
In evasive sports such as basketball, players try to move their centre of mass around an opponent, but to evade them they only need part of their body to be out of reach at any one point (Blazevich, 2010). In basketball, players might try to ‘hang’ in the air to block a shot or provide upper body stability to make a shot of their own. Players do this by bringing their legs up and under their body after they leave the ground during a jump (Blazevich, 2010). When someone would normally be about to fall back down towards the ground under the influence of gravity, players rapidly extend their legs downwards, to conserve momentum, their upper body moves upwards (Blazevich, 2010). In effect, since their body’s centre of mass is moving downwards but, relative to it, their upper body is moving upwards, their upper body momentarily remains stationary or ‘hangs’. Another important use of this centre of mass information is in helping players obtain balance during complex skills (Blazevich, 2010). This technique is useful when performing the jump in the layup; players want to have as much air time as possible.
When accelerating during running it is helpful for players to allow their centre of mass to move forward of their base support, this will cause a forward rotation of their body. This rotation, which is caused by the force of gravity, provides a forward acceleration that helps us move. By players implementing this rotation it helps with their movement efficiency.

Magnus Effect
The most common explanation of the Magnus’s effect is that the spinning ball ‘grabs’ the air that flows past it because of the friction between the air and the ball, so these air particles start to spin with the ball (Blazevich, 2010). According to the Magnus effect, if a player puts spin on the ball, where the top of the ball spins over the bottom of the ball (i.e. top spin), the air on top will slow down and the air underneath will move relatively quicker (Blazevich, 2010). Therefore, the pressure on top of the ball would be higher, a Magnus force would be directed down towards the ground and the ball would dip. This can help shooters to get the basketball to hit the back board and fall into the hoop.

Newtons Third Law

Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Blazevich, 2010). When a player steps onto the ground a vertical downward forced is applied. The ground exerts an equal and opposite reaction force, this is called the ground reaction force (GRF), which stops player’s feet from sinking into the earth. During running and jumping, players apply a force with both vertical and horizontal components (Blazevich, 2010). The ground exerts equal and opposite GRF, which can accelerate us forwards if the force is large enough to overcome our inertia (Blazevich, 2010). It is very important to produce large vertical forces, or have a lower body mass, to jump very high. For the layup this means players must use the power in their legs to propel them into the air, towards the hoop.

Jump– work, power, energy, and efficiency:
The amount of work when someone jumps is equal to the average force that is applied multiplied by the distance over which it is applied. Several forces might act at any one time (Blazevich, 2010). The concept of work is important in sport in general, because we often need to manipulate it. The greater the total work done the better the performance will be (Blazevich, 2010).
At any time, the greater the force, or the faster the velocity, the power is greater. Power is increased when players do a given amount of work in less time or do more work in a given time (Blazevich, 2010). Increasing power results in an increase in the velocity of an object, as long as its mass remains constant. This principal also applies to people (Blazevich, 2010).  
To jump up high, a basketballer has to perform a greater amount of work, or attain higher power but they also need to repeat such jumps numerous times in a game (Blazevich, 2010). If players jump in the air they increase their potential energy. This also means that players need to have a lot of energy to repeatedly perform jumps and movements throughout the game.
Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to input (Blazevich, 2010). To improve a players jumping efficiency, not just their jump height, they need to increase the output (kinetic energy, resulting in greater jump height) while decreasing the input (the energy required to jump) (Blazevich, 2010). The power that players use to jump comes from muscle contraction.

Follow through and recovery phase aspects

The kinetic chain
One of the kinetic chain pattern categories is the push-like movement pattern. A push-like movement pattern is when a person moves as if they are pushing something. Players tend to extend all the joints in their kinetic chain simultaneously in one single movement (Blazevich, 2010). The benefits of using a push-like movement pattern are that the joins are acting simultaneously the cumulative forces (torques) generated about each joint result in a high overall force, it is efficient, highly accurate, and results in a straight-line movement at the end point of the chain (Blazevich, 2010). However, a drawback of the push-like movement is slow movement speed (Blazevich, 2010). However, in the layup this slow movement speed can be helpful to players; it allows them more control over the ball. The throw-like movement pattern produces higher speeds but this isn’t an attribute required for the layup, the ball does not have to travel at high speeds when performing the shot.
A flick of the wrist directs the ball into hoop. Once the ball is released from the players hand the fingers must follow in a flick like motion with the wrist. This helps direct the ball into the hoop and ends the kinetic chain completely.

Landing – landing with soft knees. As with any landing it is important for players to land with soft knees

Layup sequence and relevant skill cues according to phase

Preparation Phase (Thurston, 2011):

Players dribble towards the basket
Players take two steps
Player’s eyes should be focused on the top right square of the backboard
Players should dribble with the outside hand

Power Production Phase (Thurston, 2011):

Players then jump up – step right and jump off their left foot
Player’s right knee bends up
Players then extend their arm and release the ball at the peak of reach

Follow Through Phase:

Players then flick their wrist downwards
Players then land with soft knees

How else can we use this information?

This blog demonstrates the many different biomechanical aspects related to the basketball layup, these aspects also transfer into other skills in basketball as well as many other sports. Other basketball shots have the same biomechanical aspects involved in them. Some of the biomechanical aspects covered also apply to a person’s general running technique. Many aspects cross over into other sports, but the most closely linked sport would be netball.
If players take into consideration the biomechanics of the shot they can improve not only their technique and accuracy but also protects the longevity of their bodies. With the biomechanical aspects in mind players and coaches can work together to learn and practice the shot to the best of their ability.
Through biomechanical analysis of any skill from any sport the aspects can be interpreted to achieve the best outcome and movement pattern relating to the skill. For teachers, players and coaches the information gained from biomechanics can give them the background information needed to teach the basic skill and then later refine and advance that skill. Biomechanics is not just necessary for the older more experienced players. In some cases it is more important to inform younger players the reasons why we run a particular way. It is better for them to form good habits younger as it is harder to change habits as players get older. Although some skill techniques can differ due to individual preference, more players can find more success and accuracy when applying the correct biomechanical principals.

Blazevich, A.J. (2010). Sports Biomechanics: The basics optimising human performance. (2nd ed.). London A&C Black.

Sandeep, K., Bhardwaj, B. (2011). Relationship among Selected Biomechanical Variables with Lay Up Shot Performance of Basketball Players. VSRD Technical and Non-Technical Journal, 2(5): 229-233.

Thurston, T. (2011). Basketball Skills. Shooting. Viewed on 15 June 2014. Available at

Wuest, D., Fisette, J. (2012). Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport (17th ed). McGraw-Hill New York.

Progression shot =
Jump shot =


  1. it is not a layup it is a pushup

  2. layup is this
    copy the text then go on this page it will explain you how to do layup
